

Kitami Hakka Tsusho Co., Ltd.

Company introduction

“Natural mint” has played invaluable roles for over 2000 years all around the world and there was a time when 70% of the world share was produced in Kitami, Hokkaido.
Even in the world map of perfume it was written as Japan product peppermint.
After those glorious days, liberalization of imports and synthetic mint led the Kitami Mint Factory of Hokuren to closure in 1983.
Since then, Kitami’s mint industry has been very quiet.
Our company was established at the same time of the closure of Kitami Mint Factory of Hokuren, Since the very beginning, our thoughts are to protect Kitami natural mint.

◇Corporate History

1984: The year after the closing of “Hokuren Kitami Mint Factory”, our former president Takehiko Nagata started an independent business from “Nagata Candy” which was a family business. Launched “Mint Oil Bottle” which was made from 15kg of raw material and took first step.
1985: Built a new office in Banba-cho, Kitami and became an incorporated company. Expanded the sales routes to tourist spots in Eastern Hokkaido, pharmacies and department stores. Released “Mint Oil spray” and “peppermint Crystal”.
1993: Reorganized to Kitami Hakka Tsusho Co., Ltd and started developing overseas market.
1995: Released non coloring version of “Mint Candy”.
2001: Relocated the office to Oroshi-machi, Kitami.
2006: Started full-scale of cultivating “Japanese mint” at a contracted farm and began developing products made with local materials.
2010: 25th anniversary of the founding. Installed a distiller at the head office as a commemorative project.

Fruit mint candy

A perfect blend of the refreshing taste of Japanese peppermint from Kitami and the fruity flavor, our candy brings together the exquisite harmony of mint and fruit. We use only natural colorants to add vibrant colors to the candies, avoiding synthetic ingredients.

Grape mint candy

A mint candy inspired by "Grape Mint." Combining the juicy sweetness and aroma of grapes with the cool sensation of mint, it creates a refreshing taste with a fruity fragrance.